Adding and editing recurring ticket templates

The recurring ticket template is not itself a ticket. It is a template from which recurring tickets (instances) are created.

Recurring tickets can only be created for organizations with an organization type of Customer.

Populating the recurring ticket template tabs

  1. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.

NOTE  If you create multiple recurring ticket templates that use the same data to populate multiple fields, you can set up Recurring Ticket form templates to quickly populate those fields. Refer to Adding and editing form templates.

The New Recurring Ticket Template opens to the General tab.

  1. Enter a speed code, or select a form template, or manually populate the fields on the following tabs:
  1. Save the recurring ticket template:
    • Save: Saves both the recurring ticket template, instances that were created, and instances scheduled for the future. All appear in the Instances & Scheduled Instances section at the bottom of the page.
    • Save & Close: Saves both the recurring ticket template, instances that were created, and instances scheduled for the future, and closes the page.

Editing the recurring ticket template

Aside from the Organization Name, all fields on all tabs can be modified after the recurring ticket template has been saved and instances have been created. The following rules apply:

  • Any changes you make will apply to instances that have not yet been created. Future instances that have been created will not be updated.
  • To update future instances that have been created, you must delete them first, and then extend the end date or increase the number of instances by the number you deleted. You will receive a message that all future instances will be deleted and recreated using the updated information.
  • Instances will only be created in the future, never in the past.

Managing instances and scheduled instances

All instances, and instances scheduled for the future, appear in the Instances & Scheduled Instances section at the bottom of the page.

  • Instances show a Ticket Number and other ticket information. They can be found on the Ticket Search page by searching for the ticket number without the instance number, and can be managed like any stand-alone ticket.
  • Scheduled Instances contain an Instance number and a Due Date, but the ticket has not been created yet. The ticket for the instance will be created the number of days you specified in the Creation section on the Recurrence tab.

Ticket instances belonging to a recurring ticket template can also be managed on the Instances & Scheduled Instancestable of the recurring ticket template.