Setting up a PageConnect/XPPS contract

For each customer with whom you have a PageConnect/XPPS agreement, you will need to set up a single recurring service contract. This contract will handle the billing for all devices and models covered under the PageConnect/XPPS agreement, as well as any overage.

The following steps have to be completed:

  • Create the recurring service contract and add the services you have set up to bill the base service fee and the base supply fee, for each printer model, or the service bundle for the monthly base price, for each printer model the customer has licensed. Refer to Adding PageConnect/XPPS base services to a contract.
  • Optionally, add the cost defaults for the contract charges used to bill the overage for this contract. This is only necessary if under a specific contract, the default prices set up on the Material Codes list do not apply. Refer to Charge Defaults.
  • Lastly, you will need to create a Device for each printer and select the contract and the service or bundle used to bill the monthly base price. The Device and its serial number are what allows Autotask to map the data from the XML import to the contract and service that cover the billing, and import the contract charges that cover the overage. Refer to Adding a PageConnect/XPPS Printer as a device.

NOTE  Best Practice:
We recommend that you create a Contract Category for "Xerox PageConnect/XPPS" and assign it to your Xerox contracts. This will allow you to report and invoice separately for the Xerox contract items.

You may also want to set up a "Master Contract" under your local organization that contains the services or bundles for all printers you have a PageConnect/XPPS contract for, and maps all the Material Codes used to bill the overage to the correct printer. The you can copy the contract to your PageConnect/XPPS customers, and selectively delete the services not used for a customer.