Reports about contract balance and expiration

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

Block deductions

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Contracts section
Description A three-part report that shows all time entries that hit the selected block(s) in the selected date range, all other time entries from the same date range that were not applied to a block, and a summary of all active blocks regardless of date range.

Contract balance for per ticket contract

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Contracts section
Description Tickets remaining and current tickets remaining, grouped by organization and contract. Can be filtered by ticket purchase date range, organization name (of the contract) and contract status.

Contract and device warranty expiration

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Contracts section
Description Contract and product warranties that are expired or expiring in the selected date range. This report can be used as a renewal reminder.
This report displays no data when you land on the report page. You must specify your filters and click Generate.

Contract opening/ending balance

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Financial section
Description Opening balance, used amount, purchased amount and ending balance for the date range selected in the Report Criteria pane, for block hour and retainer contracts. Also shows the time entries that consumed the blocks or retainers.

Full block hour summary

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Billing section
Description Organization name, phone, fax and block balance of blocks that are active and billed.

Retainer deductions

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Contracts section
Description A three-part report that shows all time entries that hit the selected retainer purchase(s) in the selected date range, all other time entries from the same date range that were not applied to the retainer, and a summary of all active retainer purchases regardless of date range.


Block contract balance

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description Block contract balances, optionally filtered by organization and work item date.

Contract expiration by organization

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description Contracts that expire in the next 30 days, grouped by organization.

Contract service & bundle summary

Required Permission Not currently published by default. Suggested security levels: Administrator or Manager. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path Not currently published to any category.
Description The current units, cost, and price for all contract services and service bundles in the system, grouped by organization and contract. The data corresponds to what is displayed on the contract summary page (open a contract > Services) for today's date.

Contract service units

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description The current units for all contract services in the system, grouped by organization and contract, for today's date. Each service in a bundle is listed separately.

Retainer contract balance

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description Retainer contract balances, optionally filtered by organization and work item date.
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