Internal time codes

About Internal Time codes

Time that cannot be allocated to a specific customer is tracked using internal time codes. All internal time codes have the following in common:

  • Internal time cannot be used on tasks, tickets, or issues.
  • Internal time is never billable, and is the only type of billing code that is not associated with a tax category.
  • Internal time does not count towards a resource's weekly billable hours goal.

There are two types of internal time:

  • Regular time: this time is used to track time in the office or working from home, like meetings, administrative time, etc. It must be entered manually directly on a user's timesheet.
  • Time off: this type of time is available on the Time Off Request form. When it is approved, it is automatically entered on the user's timesheet.

NOTE  Internal time codes can be configured to appear both on the list of regular time, and time off. An example when this might be appropriate is Sick Time. You don't usually plan on getting sick (or you shouldn't), so if you return after a couple of days of being sick, you can simply enter the sick time into the timesheet. But if sick time is also Displayed in Time Off, you can request sick time in advance for a planned procedure.

Your Autotask instance comes with six pre-configured system internal time codes. They can be renamed, but they cannot be deleted. They are identified by a check mark in the System column.

About Internal Time codes used in time off policies

If your company tracks everyone's time off in Autotask and has set up time off policies that are assigned to each employee, four of the System internal time codes take on special importance. They are the only ones that can be managed using a time off policy. Time off requests and time entries using those System internal time codes will be deducted from the resource's allotted or accrued time off budget. For an introduction to time off policies, refer to Time off policies.

They can be renamed, but by default, they are named:

  • Floating Holiday
  • Personal Time
  • Vacation
  • Sick Time

Two additional system codes, Jury Duty and Holiday, cannot be used in time off policies.

If you are not sure which internal time codes are the ones used in time off policies, go to Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Timesheets and look for the settings that begin with Enable.

Make sure all time off categories your company will be using are enabled.

NOTE  Internal time codes that are not enabled are still available of the Time Off Request form, but this time will not be deducted from the user's accrued or allotted time off.

Managing internal time codes

You manage internal time codes on the Internal Time tab of the Billing Codes page.