This entity represents the categories for documents in Autotask.
NOTE You can refer to the Online Help to find root and child access URLs of the entity you wish to query. Refer to Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities for more information.
Entity details
Entity Name: | DocumentCategory |
Entity Path: |
/atservicesrest/v1.0/DocumentCategories |
Can Create: | |
Can Update: | |
Can Query: | |
Can Delete: | |
Can Have UDFs: |
Conditions and requirements
Knowledgebase must be enabled in Autotask at > Admin > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > Knowledgebase for the API entity to function.
Documentation Management must be enabled in Autotask for document management endpoints to function.
Your API user must have the Can manage Documentation security permission to use this entity.
Up to three levels of parent categories are allowed or three sub-levels under "All Articles"
Delete of a category causes any associated articles to be associated with the parent.
Name and parentCategoryID combinations must be unique.
Field definitions
Field Name | Datatype | Read-Only | Is Required | Reference Name | Picklist |
description | string (1000) | ||||
id |
long |
name | string (50) | ||||
parentCategoryID | integer | DocumentCategories |