Adding and editing service calls

A service call is a time reservation on the Calendar or Dispatch Calendar for a specific customer that may contain multiple tasks and tickets.

To schedule a resource for a service call, the resource must be assigned to a task or ticket, then the task or ticket must be added to the service call.

NOTE   Tasks are only available to be scheduled in Service Calls if Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Service Desk > System Settings > Allow users with Service Desk access to see, edit, and schedule project tasks in Dispatch Calendar is checked.

All users can see the service calls they are scheduled for on their Calendar. Users with Ticket View permission = All can create service calls for themselves and other users by creating a new ticket and assigning it to another resource from the New Service Call page or the Quick Call page.

On calendars, service calls appear on a yellow background. An expand icon lets you view the titles of tickets and tasks scheduled in the service call. Hovering over the service call will open a tooltip.

NOTE  On your calendar only (not on the Dispatch Calendar), when a ticket or task listed on a service call has been completed, it has a line through it.

NOTE  If you do not have permission to view a ticket, you will see the ticket number instead of the ticket title. The ticket will not be clickable and cannot be dragged and dropped. However, you will still be able to view ticket information displayed in the tooltip by hovering over the ticket number.

How to...